





VisionAST has partnered with iTapMenu to bring industry leading solutions to the F&I office and beyond.
The first fully integrated video feed built directly into your F&I Menu.
We solved the problem of Remote Presentations. Digital Retailing doesn’t work because it excludes you. Problem solved.
• Built-in calendar to schedule your virtual appointments.
• Notification / alerts / reminders so you don’t miss a meeting.
• Remote Presentations can begin with video…push the presentation to the customer in real-time when you’re ready.
• Video works on both desktop and mobile for your customers.
FandEye™ - Reports | DMS-Integrated Reporting via iTapMenu
View performance by group, each location, and/or by individual F&I Manager.
• Review F&I averages, products sold per delivery, and product penetrations and profits by each employee and lender.
• Set benchmarks with automatic rankings of your dealership staff.
• Customize your view with charts and graphs or download them to email or print.
• Set subscriptions to automatically receive reports by email or view them on any device at any time.

Review F&I averages, products sold per delivery, and product penetrations and profits by each employee and lender.

Set benchmarks with automatic rankings of your dealership staff.

Customize your view with charts and graphs or download them to email or print.

Set subscriptions to automatically receive reports by email or view them on any device at any time.