



Facebook/Instagram Retargeting for Car Dealerships

Overview: Our Facebook/Instagram Retargeting service is designed to drive what matters most to your dealership: phone calls and form fills. By using advanced tracking and personalized carousel ads, we ensure the exact vehicles each visitor views on your site follow them across their web and social media experiences, keeping your dealership top of mind and driving actionable leads.

How It Works: We install a custom pixel on your website that tracks the exact vehicles each visitor views. This pixel gathers data on user interactions, allowing us to create highly targeted carousel ads featuring the specific vehicles they have shown interest in. These ads will follow the user across their web browsing and social media activities, appearing in their Facebook and Instagram feeds, as well as tens of thousands of the most popular sites online within the Meta ad network (The majority of sports and news sites are included). Additionally, we manage an hourly live feed of your inventory to Meta, ensuring your vehicle information is always up to date and opening possibilities for custom live inventory ad strategies.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Ensure your inventory is repeatedly seen by potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Personalized Carousel Ads: Ads are tailored to individual users, featuring the exact vehicles they viewed on your site.
  • Increased Engagement: Targeted ads drive user engagement, leading to more phone calls and form fills.
  • Consistent Presence: Maintain a strong presence across Facebook, Instagram, and 10s of thousands of the most popular sites on the web.
  • Up-to-Date Inventory: An hourly live feed of your inventory to Meta ensures all vehicle information is current and accurate.
  • Optimized for Results: Leverage Facebook's machine learning optimization to maximize campaign effectiveness, focusing on phone calls and form fills, not clicks.

Key Features:

  • Custom Pixel Installation: We set up and install a custom tracking pixel on your website to monitor vehicle views.
  • Dynamic Carousel Ad Creation: Generate personalized carousel ads that showcase the exact vehicles users are interested in.
  • Aggressive Retargeting: Ensure your inventory follows users across their web and social media experiences for up to 3+ monthe.
  • High-Converting Placements: Display ads in high-traffic areas such as Facebook newsfeed, Instagram feed, the newly streamlined Facebook Marketplace, and countless 3rd party sites.
  • Comprehensive Campaign Management: Our team manages the entire retargeting campaign, optimizing ad placements and performance to drive phone calls and form fills.


Set up Fee: $299 One time

Monthly Maintence: $299/m

Suggested Ad Spend: $200-600 (depends on monthly traffic)

Enhanced Visibility: Ensure your inventory is repeatedly seen by potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Targeted ads drive user engagement, leading to more phone calls and form fills.

Open new possibilities for custom live inventory ad strategies with up-to-date data.